Revamping Austin’s Artery: Spicewood Springs Rd. Embarks on Extensive Overhaul

Austin is gearing up for a significant infrastructure remodel as Spicewood Springs Rd. prepares to undergo a colossal reconstruction. A sum of $34.18 million has been sanctioned for the project awarded to DeNucci Constructors LLC, a renowned firm known for its outstanding execution of public work contracts.

The city’s transportation division recognizes Spicewood Springs Rd. as an important passenger and goods movement corridor owing to its heavy usage as a cross-through route. As part of the project, the plans propose transforming the two-lane road into a four-lane thoroughfare, complete with a grass median and dedicated left-turn bays. This not only ensures safer vehicular movement but also effectively organizes traffic.

But the enhancements don’t end there. The stretch between Mesa Rd. and Lp. 360 is set to receive comprehensive improvements. Part of the plan involves installing pedestrian and bicycle shared-use paths on both sides of the road, further promoting green mobility and fostering a sense of community.

Moreover, an underground storm drain system that includes culverts and manholes is in the cards. Designed to effectively manage water flow, it promises to enhance the area’s resilience against adverse weather conditions. This is bolstered by the creation of two water detention ponds, water quality ponds, and rain gardens – a testament to Austin’s commitment to environmental sustainability.

Lastly, the project also includes the extension of water transmission lines and the upgrade of wastewater lines, underpinning the region’s efforts towards improving public utilities. With construction set to commence this fall, we’re on the brink of witnessing a transformation right through 2026!