New Manufactured Home Factory to Boost Central Texas Rental Housing

In an attempt to ease the rental housing shortage around the Central Texas region, Austin-based company Amherst has opened a new 330,000-square-foot manufacturing facility in Cuero. The facility aims to produce 600 prebuilt homes annually, investing over $12 million in the old mill it acquired two years ago. This new facility is set to create 265 job opportunities for the local community.

Amherst’s manufactured homes will be crafted from wood and set on permanent foundations on vacant lots or blighted property sites. The types of homes to be produced will range from one- to two-story single-family homes, duplexes, and triplexes. Although some homes will be available for sale, Amherst primarily focuses on catering to the rental market. This development will not only provide a much-needed boost to the rental housing sector in Central Texas but also contribute to the region’s economic growth.

For more information about Amherst and their latest development, [click here](