Hispanic Homeownership on the Rise in Central Texas

Central Texas has seen a significant increase in Hispanic homeownership rates for the eighth consecutive year, as reported in the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP) 2022 State of Hispanic Homeownership Report. This growth showcases the resilience and determination of the Hispanic community amidst challenges like rising home prices, inflation, and interest rate hikes. The report highlights a significant rise in new Hispanic homeowner households and a younger demographic among Hispanic homebuyers. McAllen, Brownsville, and El Paso are named as the top three opportunity markets for mortgage-ready Latinos by Freddie Mac and NAHREP. Learn more about this positive trend in Central Texas real estate from the [original article](https://www.recenter.tamu.edu/news/newstalk-texas/?Item=28998).

The Hispanic homeownership rate currently stands at 48.6 percent, with Latinos forming new homeowner households at a rapid pace. In 2022, a net total of 349,000 new Hispanic households was added, more than double that of non-Hispanic white households. Additionally, 70 percent of Hispanic homebuyers with a mortgage in 2021 were under the age of 45, demonstrating a younger buying demographic.

Geographically, the top three cities identified as opportunity markets for mortgage-ready Latinos are McAllen, Brownsville, and El Paso. Factors contributing to this recognition include a combination of affordable housing options, job availability, and family-friendly communities, making them ideal for young, growing families.

This positive trend in Hispanic homeownership in Central Texas reflects the increasing buying power of the Latino community in the region. As the demographic continues to grow, it’s essential to understand the trends and opportunities available for Hispanic homebuyers.

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