California Dreaming: Why Californians are Trading their Beaches for Texas

A wave of new settlers from other states, mainly from California, Florida, and Colorado, is bringing a fresh buzz to Texas. Recent migration data from the U.S. Census Bureau shows a whopping 591,400 people made the Lone Star State their new home in 2021.

Out of all the new settlers, Californians top the list, bringing an estimated 107,500 new residents to Texas, the highest from any U.S. state, and reinforcing a trend we’ve been observing over the past few years. Our friends from Florida and Colorado weren’t far behind, contributing 31,000 and 30,000 newcomers respectively.

Scratching beneath the surface, the age demographics of the newcomers are particularly interesting. Around half of the new population movement was represented by young people below 35 years. People aged 55 or older made up approximately just 12 percent of the new residents.

While the youth movement is of significant note, the economic status of the new residents can’t be overlooked. Nearly half of the new Texans (around 48.9 percent), reported household incomes over $100,000, magnetizing wealth to the state. In contrast, about 35.9% of individuals moving out of Texas had similar household incomes. This suggests that the ease of living and potential opportunities in Texas are enticing the affluent population of other states to migrate.

The majority of these individuals were drawn to Texas by the prospects in manufacturing, retail trade, and agriculture, indicating the growing opportunities in these sectors in Texas.