Breaking Records: DFW Retail Occupancy Hits Historical Highs

After four decades, Dallas Fort-Worth’s (DFW) retail real estate scene is celebrating a record-breaking achievement. In the past year, 95.2% of retail space was leased, shattering a record set in 1981 when 94.8% of retail space was occupied. The enthusiasm isn’t diminishing anytime soon, with estimates predicting a steady 95.8% occupancy this year.

A surge in the population to a staggering eight million in 2023 filled the sails of the retail segment, inflating the demand for retailers. Unanchored retail spaces and neighborhood centers, thus, have reported record-breaking occupancy rates, as much as 94.4% leased. Grocery-anchored community centers haven’t been left behind, reporting a remarkable 96.2% occupancy.

Looking beyond DFW, Austin leads the pack with a retail occupancy rate of 96.8%, followed by Houston at 95.4% and San Antonio at 95%. These numbers portray a thriving retail real estate sector that’s ready to accommodate entrepreneurial dreams. For more insights captured in the original article, click [here](