Top Residential Havens for Renters in Central Texas

The latest RentCafe report has positioned several Texas cities as the best choices for US renters, with significant positioning favoring Plano, Austin, Round Rock, and Conroe. These fascinating findings are testament to Texas’ booming local economies, favorable cost of living, and an outstanding quality of life.

Plano took the second spot nationwide thanks to its impressive cost of living and housing ranking of 68, a local economy bustling at rank two, and the high quality of life standing solid at sixth rank.

Next in line was Round Rock, standing proud at sixth place nationally with a competitive standing in housing cost at second place, an encouraging local economy ranking at 18th, and substantial quality of life at 24th. Not far behind was Austin, coming 7th, presenting a commendable scorecard with top positions in housing, economy, and quality of life.

Last but not least was Conroe, unmistakably leading the way in housing and living costs, although slightly behind on the economy and quality of life rankings. The city’s overall rank on the list was ninth.

The report condensed data from the Yardi Matrix, ranking each city in three pivotal categories: cost of living and housing, local economy, and quality of life. All cities included in the list have a minimum of 10,000 apartment units and the total number of cities accounted for come up to 136.